Maret 30, 2010

Terima Kasih

Terima Kasih, dua kata yang mengandung makna begitu dalam untuk manusia. Setiap orang setelah menerima pemberian,pertolongan, atau apapun juga pasti tidak lupa mengucapkan terima kasih. Anak kecil pun selalu diajarkan oleh orang tuanya untuk mengucapkan terima kasih.

Tapi saat ini, kata terima kasih seperti tenggelam. Orang sudah jarang mengucapkan terima kasih dan cenderung cuek / gengsi mengucapkan kata terima kasih kepada orang yang sudah menolongnnya. Pasti karena mind set mereka sudah berpikiran "Untuk apa saya mengucapkan terima kasih? Saya memang layak ditolong / diberi oleh dia, dan dia bawahan saya." Jadi menurut mereka, terima kasih sudah tidak penting lagi.

Ada juga beberapa orang yang masih sadar akan ber-terima kasih. Mereka masih mempunyai rasa terima kasih karena sudah ditolong oleh orang lain.

Jadi lebih baik, kita mengucapkan terima kasih apabila kita sudah diberi sesuatu atau sudah ditolong oleh orang lain (Sahabat, pacar, orang tua kita, teman, dan orang-orang di sekitar kita)

Terima kasih sudah membaca tulisan saya...

Maret 26, 2010

Perjuangan KFC

Kolonel Harldan Sanders, lahir pada tanggal 9 September 1890. Mulai aktif dalam mewaralabakan (franchise) bisnis ayamnya pada usia 65 tahun. Saat ini, usahanya yang dikenal dengan Kentucky Fries Chicken atau KFC (R) telah tumbuh menjadi salah satu yang terbesar dalam sistem makanan siap saji di dunia. Tapi sebelum menuai kesuksesannya, selama 9 tahun, kolonel Sanderd berusaha menyempurnakan metode memasak ayam dengan menggunakan sebelas bumbu dan rempah-rempah seperti yang kita kenal saat ini. Dengan resep masakan itu, daging ayam menjadi sangat empuk, renyah, dan gurih. Dan juga menggunakan penggorengan biasa dan meningkatkan cita rasanya, sehinggga saat ini kita mengenal istilah restoran cepat saji atau fast food karena kecepatan memasak ayam dan kelezatan rasanya.

Di tahun 1952, kolonel Sanders menjual semua propertinya untuk berkeliling dari kota ke kota dan dari restoran ke restoran untuk menawarkan resepnya. Sebagai mantan koki, dia percaya bahwa resepnya akan diminati banyak restoran dan mau diajak bekerjasama untuk membuka usaha waralaba dengan menggunakan lisensinya. Sayangnya lebih dari 1000 restoran menolak resep yang ditawarkannya, tapi dia tidak pernah menyerah begitu saja dan terus berkeliling sampai tiba di restoran ke 1008 yang mau membelinya dan mengembangkan usaha waralaba yang diberi nama KFC. Saat ini restoran KFC menjadi salah satu waralaba yang paling terkenal dan terdapat di hampir seluruh penjuru dunia. Semua ini berkat kerja keras, keuletan, dan daya juang kolonel Sanders yang pantang menyerah dan tidak kenal lelah.


Maret 25, 2010

Health Care Clincher: The Importance of Being Stupak

Until Sunday, March 21, few out of Michigan's rugged 1st Congressional District, which stretches for 1,600 miles (2,575 km) along the Great Lakes, had ever heard of Bart Stupak. But as the clock ran out on health care reform, all eyes were on the Democratic Congressman. "How does it feel to keep the whole world waiting?" a reporter joked to laughter as Stupak entered a packed television studio on the third floor of the House of Representatives, hours before the expected vote on health care reform, to announce his decision. Flanked by six other pro-life Dems, Stupak finally brought an end to the suspense: he and his group would vote for health care reform, throwing Democrats over the 216 threshold of votes needed to pass the bill. (See why Bart Stupak opposed the health care legislation.)

The victory was not easily wrought. This was Stupak's third scheduled press conference in two days; the other two were abruptly canceled. On Sunday morning Democratic leadership sources leaked to reporters that there was a deal, rumors Stupak quickly quashed, saying he was still looking at the language of an Executive Order negotiated with White House Counsel Bob Bauer. It was not till 4 p.m. that he spoke to the press about the deal. "In the end, like the [Catholic] bishops, I wish that we could have had statutory language," Stupak said. "But we only have 44 votes in the Senate and I recognize that we just couldn't get something through. The Executive Order is better than nothing and I have every assurance it will stand." After the bill passed, Republicans tried to challenge it by bringing up Stupak's own arguments against it. Democrats responded dramatically by bringing up Stupak himself to defend the passage of the law. At one point, as he argued for the new health care legislation, a member of the House shouted out, "Baby killer." (See Amy Sullivan on the White House Executive Order that won Stupak over.)

Critics of the deal say that an Executive Order can be rescinded at any time at the pleasure of the President or by an act of Congress. Stupak, though, said that the leaders were close to reaching 216 without him and he felt this was the best deal his group could get. "I will continue in the future to push for statutory language," he said, adding that he has been assured by the White House and Democratic leaders that they will not challenge the order. (See the 10 key players in health care reform.)

Abortion has been one of Stupak's chief issues in public office: he is a leader of the group Democrats for Life. A former Eagle Scout, Stupak's Catholic faith has always been important to him. His religiosity only deepened after his son, Bart Jr., committed suicide in May 2000, which the family blamed on Accutane, an acne medication. Until recently he lived in the infamous C Street House, a group lodging for young and upcoming religious conservative members of the House and Senators run by a Christian organization (other alums include Larry Craig, John Ensign and Mark Sanford).

Stupak nearly brought down the House version on the bill last November when he objected to the abortion language in the legislation. At the last minute, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi agreed to an amendment authored by Stupak that barred any federal funds from subsidizing abortion on the health care exchange that is expected to be set up in 2014 to provide insurance to upwards of 31 million uninsured Americans. Prochoice groups were outraged, accusing Stupak of moving beyond current law, and the amendment was stripped out in the Senate and replaced with softer language that Stupak and his group felt did not go far enough. Sunday's last-minute Executive Order, expected to be signed by President Obama immediately following passage of the bill, was the compromise that allowed Stupak and his group to vote for final passage of health care reform.

House Democratic sources credited Representative John Dingell, the longest serving member in the history of Congress and dean of the Michigan delegation, for bringing Stupak around. Stupak, a Dingell protégé, was in tears when Dingell lost his House Energy and Commerce gavel to Henry Waxman last year — the committee is the only one Stupak has served on since his election to Congress in 1992. Health care reform has been Dingell's top priority during his 54 years in office and, in fact, the House bill was named for him. "Mr. Dingell had a piece of me yesterday for quite some time," Stupak told reporters Sunday to laughter. "John Dingell is one of my nearest, dearest, closest friends. I'm glad for John Dingell to have this day."

Maret 23, 2010


Present Tense:

1. I am happy
2. You are busy
3. Tony is at home
4. Nindya is at school
5. We are watching a film

Present Continous Tense:

1. I am reading a magazine
2. My mother is cooking a fried chicken
3. Shinta is swimming at pool
4. Benhard is playing football
5. They are making some cookies

Present Perfect Tense:

1. She has come here
2. They have seen the film
3. Hanum has eaten some cake
4. Mr. Brown has spoken to his son
5. We have red that novel

Present Perfect Tense:

1. She has lived here
2. Mr. Black has eaten same cake

Past Tense:

1. He ate some cake
2. Shinta swept the floor
3. Prita cooked a fried noodles
4. Riska saw the film
5. Eka went to Bali

Past Continous Tense:

1. I was reading the newspaper
2. They were eating dinner
3. Ocha was going to bookstore
4. Ade was singing
5. Fitria was swimming at pool

Past Perfect Tense:

1. I had talked to my mother
2. Mr. Rudi had left to his office
3. They had eaten their breakfast

Past Perfect Continous Tense:

1. I had been working in the same company
2. My family had been living in the same house

Maret 22, 2010

In Praise of Bubur and Nasi Campur

Breakfast time at the Ubud Market. I am on a mission to find my favourite food to break the fast of a contented sleep. I enter at the corner of Monkey Forest Road and Jalan Raya, past a row of sellers dressed in faded sarongs and kebayas, selling pink and green cakes, soft blue hydrangeas, coconut leaves, green bananas and vegetables of all descriptions.

As I jalan-jalan round the corner, squeezing my way past one hundred Ubud mums doing their early morning shopping, I find what I am looking for: mission accomplished and there is my breakfast. Ahead of me, shaded from the hot morning sun, is the bubur seller serving my favourite market treat, bubur. Bubur is soft-boiled rice that is cooked or topped with assorted seasonings and in this case, it is a savoury dish. I am crazy about it.

The bubur seller sits snugly between a community of grandmas at low tables that are set up for the morning’s take-away trade. These are Ubud’s D.I.Y. walking food vendors – meals on legs, not wheels, if you know what I mean. Every morning, these diligent grandmas carry cooked rice and assorted seasonings on their heads to the market. Have you seen them? They walk from home, set-up shop and when all is sold, carry the empty pots and pans back to their abode with a somewhat lighter load than when they arrived.

In the crowded western wing of the market, you can buy sweet or savoury rice porridge, bubur, and nasi campur from these four grandmas who have been selling take-away rice for as long as I, or anyone in Ubud for that matter, can remember. But it is more than that. This cosy little corner provides an exciting local gathering of sorts, for it is here you can catch up on all the village gossip in a matter of minutes. You can find out about almost anything, told in the most animated, exaggerated way while buying much-needed provisions for the family. That is what I call one-stop shopping!

A bowl of bubur will keep your engines purring until the sun passes the midday mark and I can think of no better way to kick-start your day. Bubur is one of the most loving fill-me-ups and will have you humming dreamily until the sun goes down. What also makes the market bubur so seductive, (well, to me anyway) is the flavour of fresh coconut oil and fried shrimp paste. It adds a mellow, luscious base note that gives it a certain depth, rather like smooth jazz.

Home cooking is something I am passionate about and bubur is home food par excellence. It’s relaxed, authentic and unpretentious. And it’s more than that. As Nigella Lawson says, as she seductively stirs a pot of glossy chocolate sauce looking longingly into the camera “cooking should reflect your personality, not your aspirations.” (Yes I know she is on the expansive side these days). Bubur reflects the simple side of us all, the shielded heart that keeps us loving and laughing. Of course, chocolate might mend a broken heart but bubur will have you patched up and ready for action, full speed ahead!

Whenever I am not well or low on energy my staff makes me a gentle porridge simmered with lemongrass, salam leaves, a sliver of fresh turmeric and greens. The result is a golden, creamy mix of home-cooked sustenance. Bubur is the food of nourishment.

There are many types of bubur in Bali. You can choose from sweet to savoury. I am sure you are familiar with bubur injin (black rice pudding), but there are also bubur ayam (chicken porridge), bubur sago (sago porridge) and many others. In cooking bubur the rules are few. It is simply a matter of simmering and stirring. If that sounds too hard, you could sip on a glass of chilled Semillon Sauvignon Blanc, (if you can find a good one on the island) or chat on the mobile phone, as you leisurely cook up a brew of soft rice. Of course, you can always get your children to cook it, it’s that easy. And if it makes you feel better, think of it as risotto and dream of ‘Under a Tuscan Sun’. (Did you hear about the novel “Too Much Tuscan Sun” written by an Italian author?).

And don’t you love how certain foods take you down memory lane, for better or worse? Eating bubur kacang hijau or mung bean porridge always takes me back to the premature birth of my son, Krishna, in a hospital in Denpasar. I can see it all so clearly, even now sixteen years later. My sparse hospital room overlooked a small road that was teeming with traffic and kaki-lima food sellers, morning until night. Those were the days before swanky clinics and doctors driving BMW’s.

Beneath the window of my room sat a row of people of all ages: the families caring for their loved ones who were staying in the hospital. It was like spending time in some sort of forlorn detention centre. Krishna was no bigger than a small rabbit and his tiny pink ears were curled in like the petals of a closed hibiscus. He slept in a small cot near my bed but we were advised not to handle him too much. He was just too small. How things change.

Everyday, for morning tea, we were given a small bowl of green-tea coloured Bubur Kacang Hijau. Soothing and nutritious, it gave me great comfort at a time when I needed to replenish my strength for my tiny son and me. I loved it and cursed it in one breathe because the mung beans irritated my throat and made me cough. That was the part that hurt but that was what I needed.

Beside the bubur seller at the Ubud market, sit the sticky-rice and nasi campur sellers. Apart from their food, I love the distinguishing feature of the towels on their heads. Perched like turbans, these coils of well-worn cloth have seen better days. They range in faded pastel shades and patterns, in an oddly co-ordinated way. But I digress.

If you feel like something sweet, you can dine on sticky rice, flecked with pumpkin and topped with grated coconut. And then there is the ubiquitous nasi campur. At the market, it usually consists of steamed vegetables with roasted coconut, tempe, ground salted fish and sambal. The meals are all carefully wrapped in banana leaves, or brown paper, to be eaten for breakfast, lunch or as a shared snack amongst friends.

Nasi Campur, which happens to be my favourite for lunch and dinner, is Bali’s national dish and varies in all shapes and sizes around the island. Ubud, too, has its own distinct style. I have been told that visitors from the ragged coast of Southern Bali trek to Ubud to enjoy the simple pleasure of this beloved favourite. And at Indus our nasi campur includes snake beans in coconut milk, grilled chicken tossed with tomato sambal, Balinese satay, tofu, sambal and steamed rice, with green papaya broth served on the side. It is one of our most popular dishes. Enak banget!
So next time you feel like an authentic Bali experience, head to the Ubud Market, put on your brave shoes and dig into a local rice dish with gay abandon. Otherwise, ingest the spirit of a local eating house and as they say, value the difference!

Maret 16, 2010

Jalan-jalan ke Kota Toea

Kemarin, aku dan teman-teman jalan-jalan ke Kota Toea... Kita janji ketemuan di Stasiun Pondok Cina. Setelah kami semua berkumpul, kami segera membeli tiket Kereta Ekonomi AC. Sekitar lima belas menit menunggu, akhirnya, keretanya datang. Kami segera naik dan berdiri, karena tidak ada tempat duduk yang kosong.. Perjalanan dari Pondok Cina ke Jakarta Kota hampir satu jam. Selama di kereta, kami berbincang, bercanda, dan berfoto-foto dengan handphoneku.

Setibanya di kota tua, apa yang terjadi? Seluruh museum TUTUP!! Huh, cukup kecewa juga sih, tapi kami tetap menikmati acara kami. Yang bikin heran, langit cerah banget tapi kok hujang turun ya??? Aneh banget, deh.. Kami berteduh dulu hingga hujan reda dan benar-benar berhenti. Setelah itu, kami berfoto-foto dan mencari tempat makan.. Kami makan siang di stand mie dan sate ayam....

Selesai makan siang kami melanjutkan jalan-jalan kami ke ASEMKA??? Siapa yang tidak tahu ASEMKA?? Pasti semua orang tau apa itu ASEMKA.. Di Asemka, aku membeli setengah lusin kalung lucu-lucu untuk kemudian saya jual kembali.... Mudah-mudahan aksi jualan saya laku. He he he....

Perjalanan kemarin sangat melelahkan tapi menyenangkan...

Anak Haram

Sepasang suami-istri seperti biasanya, melakukan hubungan suami-istri. Sang suami tiap kali melakukan hubungan selalu mematikan lampu kamarnya. Awalnya sang istri tidak mempedulikan alasan suaminya. Namun karena sang istri menjadi makin penasaran, maka pada suatu malam saat

mereka berhubungan, sang istri berniat menyalakan lampu. Ia ingin tau apa maksud suaminya. Maka malam itu merekapun "melakukannya". Lalu sang istri tiba-tiba menyalakan lampu. Betapa kagetnya dia.

Istri : Oh, jadi selama ini kau memakai alat bantu, agar kau tidak ketahuan mandul? Coba jelaskan!
Suami: Kau yang harus menjelaskan. Jadi darimana tiga anak yang ada di rumah ini!?

Maret 15, 2010

Buat Jomblowan

Message: Buat para cowok yang jomblo dan ditolak
all the time ...

Ini dia, hasil dari eksperimen bertahun-tahun
berhasil mengungkap maksud apa di balik tanggapan
seorang cewek saat ada yang menyatakan cinta. Ini asli 100% tokcer,
jadi kalo kamu ada yang ngalamin seperti salah
satu di bawah ini, jangan putus asa, selalu ada
jalan. Jadi cowok memang harus optimis bo.:)

Roni : Aku suka sama kamu, Rin... Aku pengin kamu
jadi pacarku.
Rina : (Malu-malu) Aku juga suka sama kamu, Ron.

Artinya - Jelas si Rina suka sama si Roni, sampe
ngomong terus terang gitu.
Hendro : Nov, Aku bener-bener suka sama kamu.
Aku pengin kita bisa jalan bareng.
Novi : Kayaknya kita lebih baik temenan aja,
deh. Kita kan udah lama temenan.

Artinya - Novi pun sebenarnya suka sama si
Status "teman" hanya buat alasan aja buat si
Novi biar bisa deket terus sama si Hendro.

Andri : Aku ngerasa cocok jalan sama kamu. Mau
gak jadi pacarku, Wen?
Wenny : Jangan sekarang deh ...Aku pengin
konsentrasi studiku dulu

Artinya - Wenny suka sama si Andri, jawaban yang
nggantung dan ngambang kayak gitu maksudnya biar Andri
penasaran dan tetep "stay around" si Wenny.
Dengan gitu kan mereka bisa tetep deket.
Andaikan si Wenny nggak
suka, pasti ngomong terus terang sama Andri.

Roy : Kamu cakep deh, Lia... Aku pengen pacaran
sama kamu...
Lia : Terus terang ya, Roy , aku nggak suka sama
kamu. Aku benci sama kamu.
Kamu egois, kamu bau, kamu urakan, kamu cowok
males! Pokoknya aku benciii sama kamu!!

Artinya - Perhatian Lia gede sama Roy. Lia tau
semua sifat-sifat Roy, sampe baunya segala. Nggak banyak cewek
yang perhatian kayak gitu. Dan sangat mungkin itu
artinya Lia aslinya suka sama Roy.
Indra : Aku udah lama merhatiin kamu, Yen... Aku
suka en saying banget sama kamu...
Yenni : (Tertawa lepas) Haa... ha... huahaaa...
ha... Lucu kamu, 'Ndra!

Artinya - Betapa gembiranya Yenni mendengar
ucapan Indra. Ekspresi tawa bahagia tiada tara. Jelas banget si Yenni
suka sama sama si Indra,
sampe dibilang kalo Indra lucu segala.
Yanto : Ria, mau nggak jadi pacarku?
Ria : Plak!! Plak!! (Ria "menyentuh" pipi si

Artinya - Yanto spesial buat Ria. "Sentuhan"
tangan Ria ke pipi Yanto (sampe 2 kali bahkan, ninggalin bekas
merah lagi) adalah sentuhan
yang nggak semua cowok bisa ngerasain. Peluang
besar buat Yanto bahwa Ria suka sama dia.

Bimo : Win, Wina... Aku suka banget sama kamu.
Pacaran yuk...
Wina : Jancuk!! Aku iki lanang, Mo! Aku koncomu,
WinaRNO!!! Eling, Mo, eling. Aku WinaRNO !!
(terjemahan : Sialan!! Saya ini cowok, Mo! Aku
temenmu, WinaRNO!!!
Sadar, Mo, sadar... Aku WinaRNO!!

Artinya - Wina seneng sama Bimo. Masa' sampe
ngaku-ngaku cowok segala. Ngotot lagi! Wina ngaku cowok kan biar
selalu bisa santai dan deket sama Bimo.

Anto : Yen aku suka banget dech ama kamu.
kayaknya kita cocok dach jalan bareng, kompak dan serasi

Yenni : nggak, nggak bisa kita kan hanya temen,
lagian klo ketemu mesti berantem mana ada
cocoknya, lagian lo sukanya ngibul mulu.

Artinya Yenni sebenernya suka ama anto, buktinya
walau tau sering dikibulin tetep aja mo temenan
ama anto.

Jadi. jawaban apapun yang nantinya diberikan
sama si cewek, peluang selalu ada dan gak pernah ketutup.
So, tetap semangat ..Keep On fightin!

Maret 13, 2010

Atasi Nyeri

Nyeri karena haid? Sudah mencoba beberapa cara menghilangkan nyeri namun nyeri tak kunjung pergi??? Coba baca dulu alternatif berikut ini:

- Berolah Raga dan latihan peregangan otot-otot ligamen sekitar rongga panggul dapat melancarkan aliran darah di rongga panggul.

- Mengonsumsi obat-obatan penghilang rasa nyeri, seperti aspirin, midometasin, asam mefenamat. Atau obat yang bersifat tokolitik yaitu mengurangi kotraksi rahim dan mempelancar aliran darah ke dalam rongg panggul, misalnya spasminal atau buscopan.

-Pemberian hormon untuk kasus yang lebih berat.

-Kelainan dalam rongga panggul perlu diperbaiki, jika perlu, misalnya: lubang saluran leher rahim yang terlalu sempit bisa dilebarkan (dilatasi), peradangan rongga panggul karena infeksi diberika antibiotik atau dapat dilakukan pemanasan (diatermi)

- Tindakan operatif pada kasus berat berupa pemotongan saraf panggul.


Makaroni dan keju sudah jadi bahan makanan favorit sejak ribuan tahun. Menurut sejarah, nih, makaroni dan keju sudah ditemukan saat zaman romawi kuno sebagai makanan raja dan persembahan bagi para dewa-dewi.

Makin tambah umur, makaroni makin digemari. Bahkan, beberapa negara mempunyai apresiasi sendiri untuk pasta berbentuk melengkung ini. Misalnya di Inggris, makaroni jadi simbol sesuatu yang sempurna dan anggun. Sedangkan di amerika, makaroni dijadikan syair sebuah lagu.

Keju juga nggak mau kalah eksis. Tahu sendiri, kan, kalau makanan apa pun selalu jadi spesial dan lezat karena 'campu tangannya' keju, baik untuk bahan utama maupun hiasan.

Kebanyakan kita mengenal kolaborasi makaroni dengan keju dalam bentuk dipanggang. Padahal ada juga, kok, versi basahnya yang hanya direbus lalu disiram dengan saus keju. Produk instan makaroni keju pun sudah banyak dijual di supermarket.

Film Alice in Wonderland

Hari senin, tanggal 8 Maret 2010... Aku dan ben pergi nonton Alice in wonderland di XXI Cineplex di Botani Square, Bogor... Sebenarnya, Alice in Wonderland itu cerita lamaaaaaa banget tapi kali ini dikemas semenarik mungkin dan difilmkan... Dalam Film ini banyak pemain yang dilibatkan contohya Johny Depp, Anne Hathaway, dan pemain baru yaitu Mia Wasikowska... Sebenarnya, peran Alice pernah ditawarka kepada Lindsay Lohan namun sutradaranya menginginkan peran itu diperankan oleh Mia Wasikowska. Dan dalam film ini, dibutuhkan kurang lebih 400 orang ekstras agar film ini benar-benar terlihat bagus.
Jalan ceritanya cukup bagus namun akting Johny Depp di sini kurang maksimal, entah apa yang terjadi namun akting kurang memuaskan. Beda dengan di film dia sebelumnya. Dengan animasi yang luarrrr biasa dan indah serta efek 3D, membuat film ini semakin indah dan bagus untuk ditonton.
Prita in Wonderland, eh, Alice in Wonderland ding. He he he.

Tas dan Si Dia

Wah, ternyata ada hubungan antara cara si dia membawa tas dengan kepribadiannya... Simak ya, lalu perhatikan cowok kamu:

- Menggendong Ransel : Mereka yang senang menggendong ransel di bahu bisa dikategorikan cowok bertanggung jawab dan senang keseimbangan. Dia siap membawa beban ke mana pun tapi uniknya selalu santai dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah. Menurutnya, waktu bakal memberikan solusi, jadi buat apa masalah terlalu dipikirkan...

- Memanggul Ransel di Satu Bahu : Mau di bahu kiri kek, bahu kanan kek, cowok model ini termasuk easy going. Gayanya mungkin terlihat asal tapi dia enggak suka bila diremehkan. Asal kita memberikan kepercayaan penuh pada kemampuannya, si dia bakal jadi cowok yang bisa diandalkan,kok.

- Memakai Tas Selempang : Tipe ini termasuk peka dan mengutamakan instingnya. Pas banget, deh, kalau kita mencari pasangan yang mau diajak berbagi karena dia siap mendengarkan segal keluh kesah. Sayangnya, si dia rada moody-pintar-pintar aja membaca suasana hatinyqa... he he he.

Maret 11, 2010

Magang Di It-Chie Boutique

Dai hari Jumat minggu lalu aku magang di boutique. Dari magang tersebut, aku mendapatkan ilmu berjualan pakaian, melayani konsumen, dan cara menawar harga.. Pemilik boutiquenya juga baik dan nggak jutek... Betah deh.
Koleksi bajunya juga oke punya. Dari kaos, blouse, dress, gaun, rok, dan celana. Tas juga ada. Bagi penggemar Hihg Heels, di It-Chie punya koleksi High heels yang oke punya. Aksesoris juga ada. Jadi datang ya ke It-Chie... Di Depok Town Square lantai satu.... Ditunggu yaa...

Pengalaman Shooting Bersama Orang Trans Tv

Cihuuuyy... Rabu dan Kamis kemaren aku shooting untuk reality show terbaru di Trans Tv. Judulnya, Untung 1000 x...
Ceritanya, aku jadi anak SMA yang ngebantuin ibu untuk jualan. Nah, kita punya lawan yang kerjaannya jadi loper koran. Terus si Jenggo ngasih Rp. 500.000,- untuk modal usahanya. Setelah dikasih modal usaha itu, kita berpikir untuk usaha apa dan setelah menemukan ide itu, kita langsung ke pasar untuk belanja bahan-bahan membuat jus buah. Kita beli buah-buahan, selasih, cincau, permen warna-warni, meses, susu kental manis, dkk. Terus, setelah berbelanja kita mulai membuat jus buah dengan berbagai toping dan isi lalu menjualnya di kantin sekolah dan berkeliling dengan sepeda. Aku yang bertugas berkeliling menjual jus itu. Hujan-hujanan, panas-panasan, dari pagi sampe malem....

Lokasi shootingnya di Gang Hasan depan RS Sentra Medika, terus di pasar Cisalak, di Pekapuran, di Kantor Trans Tv, dan di Pondok Laras...

Shootingnya menyenangkan sekali walaupun melelahkan. Honor belum aku ambil, jadi aku pikir semua jasaku belum terbayarkan.
Terima kasih Trans Tv..